Dos and don'ts for answering “Tell me about yourself” in an interview

To recap, here is a list of great ways to answer this common interview question as well as items to consider avoiding.


  • Connect personal strengths to supporting examples.
  • Keep your response to two minutes or less.
  • Focus on details and outcomes you can quantify.
  • Avoid summarizing your resume word for word.
  • Speak to what sets you apart from other candidates.
  • Mention past experiences and proven successes.
  • Align your current job responsibilities to the role.
  • Avoid mentioning personal information related to your marital status, children, political or religious views.
  • Highlight your personality.
  • Avoid rushing into deeper conversations about the role and company.
  • Connect your skills to the job description.
  • Briefly mention hobbies, intellectual development and community involvement.
  • Write down an example answer and practice.


  • Mention highly personal information such as marital status, children, political or religious affiliations, etc. These can be sensitive topics that might work against you as a candidate, not to mention such details should not be factors for the employer in determining your ability to perform the job.
  • List multiple, vague strengths without supporting examples. Instead, you may want to choose two or three qualities about yourself. Support each with short, polished stories that can be supported by your work experience.
  • Memorize your response. While it’s good to practice and memorize your key points, you don’t want to memorize your answer word-for-word as it has the potential to come across as robotic and unnatural.
  • Summarize your resume word for word. Instead, discuss high points that are relevant to the position.
  • Rush into conversations regarding what you’re looking for in the role or how the company can benefit you—save such topics for the final stages of the interview process when they are “sold” on you as a candidate and you have more leverage.